My faithful HP 5065A Rubidium standard, which had been converted to a “Super” model, developed an intermittent sickness and back it went to Corby Dawson for him to perform his magic. After a realignment and fixing an intermittent connector ground, it’s back in the lab and working well, though minus the “Super” components — Corby found it was working better without than with them.
This post is to provide a baseline status of the unit’s performance.
I set the frequency against the HP 5071A-HP to within a couple of parts in 10-12. Here’s the C-field setting and plots showing the offset and ADEV.
Here are the meter readings:
Battery | 0 | Supply | 40 |
Lamp Oven | 20 | Cell Oven | 23 |
Osc. Oven | 41 | Photo I | 31 |
5 MHz | 22 | Control | 4 |
Error | 0 | 2nd Harmonic | 42 |
1 MHz | 34 | 100 kHz | 0 |